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# The opposite of write_lines_to_files; 
# obtain an input directory and an output file 
# from the command line, read the files in the 
# input directory and write their content to 
# one single output file.
# Note that we want to exclude hidden files 
# in the input directory.
my $in_dir = shift;
my $out_file = shift;
open OUT, ">$out_file";
opendir( DIR, $in_dir ) or die "can't open $in_dir: $!\n";
foreach $in_file ( sort readdir(DIR) ) { 
 	next if ( $in_file =~ /^\./ );
	open IN, "$in_dir$in_file";
	while ( my $line = <IN> ) {
		print OUT "$line";
	close IN;
close OUT;
tutorials/perl/ · Last modified: 2012/06/15 00:36 by chkuo