Perl Quick Reference
- ($): variable is a name for a container that holds one or more values; use $ to get the value.
- (!): negation operator
- (tr): transliterating one group of characters into another.
- (s): substitution
- (%): modulus operator:
- \s : shortcut for whitespace
- \s+ : match for one or more whitespace characters
- /g : modifier-global
- /d : modifier-delete found but unreplaced characters
- == : equal
- = : assignment operator
- . : string values can be concatenated with the . operator
- ( * ): match the preceding item 0 or more times
- ( ^ ): the caret match the beginning of a line
- $ : match the end of a line
- summary of configuration
perl -V
- including the content of
- locate specific modules
perldoc -l Module::Name
; for example,perldoc -l Bio::SearchIO
tutorials/perl_quick_reference.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/19 10:59 by chkuo