Table of Contents
Web Tools
- The big questions
- What information do you want to get?
- What information do you want to create/propagate?
- How do you want others to see you?
- Why use social media?
- To know
- New publications
- People’s thoughts
- To be known (visibility)
- Your online presence
- To interact
- Open conversation threads
- Private messages
- Decisions to make
- Purpose?
- Target audience?
- References
Online Profiles
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
- Work, education, publication; simplified CV
- Used by many journals to identify authors
- Strongly recommended for people interested in an academic career
- All lab members should sign up for an account and fill out the basic info
- Google Scholar
- Publication list and citation statistics
- Email notifications of new publications based on keyword/people
- Strongly recommended for people interested in an academic career
- Web of Science (WoS)
- More limited than Google Scholar
- Includes contribution as editors/reviewers
- Recommended for people interested in an academic career
- LinkedIn
- “Facebook for industry”
- Strongly recommended for people interested in moving to industry
- Joplin: notes
- Group chat
- Mattermost: option for self-hosting; takes effort & resource to setup but offers privacy/security
- Discord: easy to use; privacy concern
- Slack: good integration with other tools; free plan is limited, paid plans can be expensive for large teams
- Doodle: scheduling
- Worldtimebuddy: time zone conversion
- Delinea-password: random password generator
- Coolors: color palettes
- Colorbrewer: color palettes
- BioRender: making science figures
- Benchling: planning molecular biology experiments
- For our lab members
- Sign-up using this invitation code: https://benchling.com/signup?pubref=pubref_OIFaKKff
- Request to join IPMB/lab groups
tutorials/web_tools.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/21 17:18 by chkuo